Phewww!!! Just got back after the first day of the course. It was a bit comfortable to be honest, studying with classmates who are at least 9 years younger than me. I'm sure it was a bit uncomfortable for them as well (They seem scared...). But I think the generation gap will blur away after the first few days (hopefully).
A few minutes of the initial time was spend on Visual Design and the important of observation in daily life as a designer. If you are already an artist you are most probably doing it already, if you are not then start to observe different advertisement in the magazines, in the TV and look around your natural environments, even the simplest things like a rain drop and try to analyze what makes it beautiful and why it grabs your attention.
Rest of the day was spend to get familiar with Photoshop. It was boring as I already know Photoshop. But the first task to work for was interesting. May be you can try it yourself as well.
The task:
Paint a Volcano eruption at night by using only brush tool. i.e. no eraser, no layers. You can use different colors, brush's opacity, fill and brush sizes and brush hardness option in Photoshop.
The file I worked on is at the institute which I cannot copy outside. I will try to recreate that at home and will post it. Meanwhile you can also grab a volcano eruption at night photo from Internet and try to draw that using brush tool only. AGAIN, NO ERASER! You can use undo though.
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