Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 2: Design & Visual Art

Qualities of Good Design
  • Orderliness
  • Aesthetic Approach
  • User friendliness
Elements of Design

A point is a precise position in space that has no extension. Line or form is a result of multiple points in space.

A line is an element of art used to define shapes, forms and outlines. A line is characterized by its length and direction.

When a line crosses itself or intersects to create an enclosed space, it creates a shape. Shape is an element that has width and height but no depth.

A form/space is the three dimensionality of a sculpture, i.e. you can look around them from different angles or directions and also enter them which refers to as space of the sculpture.

Light and dark shades also shows three-dimensionality of an object. Depending on the location of the light the object can give different dramatic looks for the object.

A Texture is surface quality of an object. It is related to the physical make up of a form. A texture also refers to make a picture surface look smooth or rough.

A color is the response of the eye to different wavelengths of radiations from light. There are different color systems and color theories to look into. We will get to that in another post.

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